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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Garden notes...

I made this cute and simple notebook to help me keep track of my garden this year. It is hard to remember from year to year what I planted, where I planted it, how it did, if I had too much or not enough!
While at Walmart the other day I found garlic, potatoes and asparagus. I thought I would give them a try for the price. I have not planted asparagus here in Washington before, but in Nevada it did pretty well if you can wait the 3-4 years! I planted potatoes 2 years ago and they did great! I am hoping to do a summer/fall crop and a winter/spring crop. I also grew garlic in Nevada, but not here.
I was going to order seeds from a company in Oregon, but got inpatient and bought some while they were on sale instead. I am going to share them with a couple friends =) 
I've boughten seed starter soil, have been collecting my leftover TP rolls, and am beginning notes in my note book.
I drew diagrams and numbered my raised beds to help me keep track of them.
This will be my bed for potatoes, onion, garlic and asparagus. It is a little taller bed to hopefully keep the BIG dogs in the neighborhood out until we get the area fenced.
I have made a list of the seeds I have already boughten and the brand/type so I know if I liked them or not. 
I like to plant my vine veggies like zucchini, pumpkin etc under my corn stalks. I have done this for years and seems to work well. The vines shade the soil to keep the corn roots moister and it gives the vines plenty of room to grow under the stalks.
So there you have my garden notes for today! If you want to see how I made my notebook head over to my other blog!

Have a great day!

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