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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

 We spent Fathers Day in Leavenworth Washington. Such a beautiful place! We met up with the hubby's mom and step dad. It was so much fun to shop and visit with them.
 When we returned the contractor had been doing some work in the guest bathroom while we were gone. He finished putting up the beadboard and trim! Woohoo! The plumber had installed the tub and faucet... LOVE!
 the shower fixtures... SWOON!
 the sink... SQUEEL!
 Uh, what the heck?!? I was almost in tears... I guess the contractor ran in to a little problem and rather than call us, he decided to fix it himself. Luckily my hubby knows me well and knew how disappointed, mad, upset I was, so he made the contractor come back that afternoon and fix it!
 Here's the problem area. He failed to notice that the drawer would not open with the taller base molding we had him install all around the bottom of the room. So he figured he would just rip it down so it was shorter on that wall and have it meet up behind the toilet... he said no one would notice. The difference in height is almost 2 inches! NOT acceptable in my book. Not when I've spent so much money to have this room be exactly what I wanted. (I still cannot figure out why he wouldn't have called us to give us a heads up that there was a problem, so we could find a solution instead of us walking into this disaster.)
 So we had him rip all the base molding down to the same height. It took him the rest of the afternoon and the next morning, he wasn't happy.
So much better =) The contractor is done with his portion of the room, the hubby and I are going to finish the rest of the work ourselves. It may take a few more weeks before it is done, but it will be done the way we want.

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